Our whole exchange is embedded in Krosse - a network of media content production at University of Bremen. But what is this "Krosse" we are talking about?
german group of participants "Krosse" is a mixed group of bachelor students
(communication and media sciences) and master students (media culture). We all have one thing in common: We all work for the project
The name “Krosse”
refers to the german term “crossmedial”, which says that borders
of media are being crossed. According to this, Krosse is not only an online
magazine, but also a TV station and (starting in a few weeks) a radio
station. Each has its own editorial which meets weekly, to talk
about possible content and how to realise it.
The online magazine
is called “krosse.info”. As it is a very
young magazine and also its members are young writers, it is not
divided into “classic” departments like news, economy and sports.
The magazine features articles about culture, media and leisure time
in the local area (the north east of Germany). So you may read
about music festivals in northern Germany, there are reviews of
upcoming movies but also socio-critical articals and dossiers. Also check out their Facebookpage for further information!
The TV-Station
linked to Krosse is called Krosse TV. You might view some of the shows on Youtube. Krosse TV is also produced on campus
and follows the slogan: “jung.nah.bremen”
(“young. close. bremen”). Every episode of Krosse TV tries to
answer a certain question or introduces something noteworthy happening at our
University. That’s why in many parts of the show you may see
different buildings of the Campus in the background. Furthermore
there are surveys with students passing by. All parts of the show including generationg ideas and content, the shooting, the moderation and the cutting process
are done by students.
The third part of
Krosse has just been launched. It is a radio station called
“Krosse.FM”. Krosse.FM tries to establish a radio show made by students. Here, articles are written, music is chosen and
moderations are being recorded. Similar to Krosse.TV there are also
interviews with students or people working at our university. Once
all the materials have been collected and recorded, the different
parts of a show are being cut and put together. The show is then
uploaded and may be streamed via krosse.info/krosse-fm/. Again, check Facebook for further information.