Clara Koschies, 23 years old, Mediaculture
When I was a child, me and my borther
„produced“ our own audio drama, in school I discovered my
interest in writing – a couple of internships in media institutions
at random places all over the world and a bachelor in communication and
anthropology later, I still like it. "It" being ... writing about
cultures, audio-visual journalism, taking part in shaping society and
the interaction of forming opinions.
Lara M. Gahlow, 21 years old, Cultural Studies and Media and Communication
My first intership in 9th grade took place at a local magazine and ever since then I worked as a writer and journalist for different newspapers, magazines and online portals. Furthermore, I have a blog that also engages in different social media. Last year, I participated in a journalism workshop in Berlin. Last but not least, I gained experiences with podcasts and movies during my time abroad in the US.
Tuğba Uzun, 22 years old, Media and Communication and Political Sciences
The first internship I did in the media industry was an obligatory
two-month internship for my major where I worked in a production
company based in Istanbul, Turkey. I’m furthermore part
of an online magazine, so that I can make journalistic experiences. Last but not least I’m in the board of an association of
students and young professionals with immigrant background who are
former scholars. Here I’m responsible for the PR and
social media activities.
Anna Luley, 23 years old, Media and Communication and English Speaking Cultures
I worked at an advertisement agency called "Content Fleet" in Hamburg where I gained experiences with online journalism, social media and online marketing. Right now I'm working for a computer magazine that is published by a well-known publishing house called "Axel Springer Verlag."
Cora Nina Beckmann, 22 years old, Media and Communication and English Speaking Cultures
My first real experience in working with media was an online magazine "KROSSE" that some fellow students and me established in university. There, I gained experience in writing articles and got a better impression of journalism in general. This year I worked as an internship in a digital communication agency where I had to deal with many different subjects of media and marketing. I also took part in some journalism workshops to improve my knowledge.
Felisa Schales, 23 years old, Media Culture
During my studies I started writing some articles for a local journal. Later, I did an internship at a radio station and loved my work there. I hope that in a few years I will be working for a German radio station.
Julia Makowski, 21 years old, Cultural Studies and Media and Communication
Currently I am working at the local radio station "Radio Bremen". There I gain experiences with online journalism, marketing and social media strategies. Furthermore, I absolved different internships in Public Relations, marketing and in a local media-focussed center of culture. For the online magazine KROSSE I am in charge of the social media sites. After finishing my studies I'd love to work at a radio station or in the PR department of a company.
Gesa-Marie Böhme, 25 years old, Media and Communication and Arts
When I was 15 I did my first internship at a local
newspaper. Ever since then I was interested in being a journalist. During my
studies I became part of the online magazin "KROSSE" were I have the
opportunity to write and publish a lot of articals. KROSSE is a students
project at the University of Bremen. Furthermore I took part in different
workshops for journalistic writing. I spent the last summer as an intern in the
press office of the townhall, where I wrote various press releases for their
homepage. Also I had the chance to gain experience in looking after diffent
social media sites, websites and blogs.
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